ON THIS DAY: 22 February 1915

ON THIS DAY: 22 February 1915 – Sarah Bernhardt, the ‘Divine Sarah,’ had her right leg amputated at the age of 71 in the Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France. Sarah, born Henriette-Rosine Bernard, was a French stage actress and one of the most famous and influential performers of the 19th and early 20th … Read more

ON THIS DAY: 13 February 1806

ON THIS DAY: 13 February 1806 – Frederic Tudor’s Ship, Favorite, Departs Boston Harbour for Saint Pierre, Martinique — to sell ice! Frederic Tudor was only 23 years old, the son of a Boston State Senator. He had come up with the bold idea of transporting ice 1,550 miles to the tropical island of Martinique, … Read more

ON THIS DAY 7 January, 1761

An English journal, The Annual Register, which chronicled events around the world, reported ‘a very odd affair’ at the Convent of the Capuchins in Ascoli Piceno in Italy. After the monks chastised their cook ‘a little too severely’, he took revenge by mixing opium into the sauce for their supper and, when they were fast … Read more

ON THIS DAY: 18 December 1912

ON THIS DAY: 18 December 1912 – Amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson presented members of the Geological Society in London with a reconstructed skull, fragments of which had been discovered, he claimed, in a gravel pit south of Ashdown Forest in East Sussex. Dawson was backed by respected palaeontologist Arthur Smith Woodward from the British Museum, … Read more